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Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance

The Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) is aiming to increase the provision of physical activity programmes that will improve the strength and balance of older people across Barnsley.

Funded by Barnsley Council and led by Age UK Barnsley, the BOPPAA is an alliance of NHS, private and third sector organisations offering physical activity opportunities for over 50s in Barnsley.

Find out more about physical activity opportunities available in your part of Barnsley below.

If you need any further information, call Age UK Barnsley on 01226 776820 or email us at:

The Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance is an alliance of independent activity providers each responsible for the delivery of their own activities/services.

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Hatha Yoga

Monday 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Provider: Yoga Bee

Location: South

Venue: Birdwell Methodist Chapel

Booking essential

Mixed ability.

For further information and bookings please visit:


Monday 7:30pm - 8:45pm

Provider: Mind, Body and Spirit

Location: Central

Venue: Mind, Body and Spirit, 110 Dodworth Road, Barnsley, S70 6HL

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Hatha Yoga. Combining mudra, prananayama, meditation and asana.

Contact Mind, Body and Spirit on 07769 996438 or at You can book through the website All classes cost £6 booking in advance, you will receive a health questionnaire to be filled in and emailed back or you can bring with you to your first class. All equipment is provided sanitised with a covid / Sport England approved solution.

Aqua Aerobics

Monday 7:45pm - 8:30pm

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: North East

Venue: Royston Leisure Centre

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Using the water to support your body weight, Aqua Aerobics is an aerobic and toning workout to music in the pool. Great for those who love a challenging workout without any impact on the joints.

This activity is for all ages. Royston Leisure Centre - Call 01226 722991 or email

Gymnastics for All

Monday 8:30pm - 10:30pm

Provider: Barnsley Gymnastics Club

Location: North East

Venue: Barnsley Gymnastics Club, Units 7 & 8, 424 Carlton Rd, Royston, Barnsley S71 3HX

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Using your own body weight and a variety of gymnastics equipment, this class will improve fitness, flexibility, balance and strength whilst also developing gymnastics skills. Great for those who love an unusual challenge and the opportunity to work towards individualised gymnastics goals with our experienced coaches in our dedicated gymnastics facility. An opportunity to meet new people, get fit and face new challenges. Suitable for absolute beginners.

Pre-booking essential. Call 07963981040 or email or sign up here:



Provider: omJane

Venue: Pre-recorded, 1 week access. New recording every Tuesday.

Level: Other

Booking essential

Book and receive a weekly professionally recorded relaxation with access for a week, new recordings every Tuesday... I will guide you with my voice in this 30 minute practice, using simple relaxation methods, beautiful visualizations, and meditation, you will find it easier than you thought possible to relax, rest, and restore mind & body, no joining on zoom simply book and I will send you an email with your link to the recording. Nurture a calmer, less stressed, and ultimately healthier more resilient you.

Level: Beginners to experienced. Further information: Short health questionnaire to be completed, 1st session free, help and advice available if needed when booking your class, cost just £4 per class, no hidden fees. Booking:


Tuesday 9:10am

Provider: Sporting Penistone

Location: Penistone

Venue: Penistone Leisure Centre

Booking essential

Power Pilates. A 45 minute low impact class designed to ‘bring the burn’. Based on Pilates moves with the option to use small weights and/or a resistance band.

£5 per session. Book direct with Tracy on 07398 238691 or visit our website at:


Tuesday 10:00am

Provider: Susiemac Fitness

Location: North East

Venue: Priory Campus, Lundwood

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Fun active workout.

£3.50 per session. Telephone Susie on 07896 709091.


Tuesday 10:00am - 11:00am

Provider: YMCA

Location: Central

Venue: YMCA, 1 Blucher Street, Barnsley, S70 1AP

Level: Other

Booking essential

Currently paused due to YMCA refurbishment. Learn to play Pickleball! Pickleball is a fun sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.

Contact the YMCA on 01226 214165 to find out more.

Hatha Yoga

Tuesday 10:00am - 11:00am

Provider: Yoga Bee

Location: South

Venue: Birdwell Methodist Chapel

Booking essential

Ideal for beginners.

For further information and bookings please visit:

New Age Kurling

Tuesday 10:00am - 12:00pm

Start date: 2023-07-11

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: North East

Venue: Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre, Snydale Road, Cudworth, S72 8LH

Level: Light intensity

Booking essential

A great game that anyone can play.

Only £3 per session. For more information, please contact


Tuesday 10:00am - 2:30pm

Location: North East

Venue: Meet in Royston Civic car park

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Royston Walk and Talk. This 8-mile circular route is aimed at more able walkers. The walks are fairly flat using local trails along the disused railway and canal routes around Royston. The walking pace is leisurely with at least two stops. It’s a good way of keeping fit, enjoying the fresh air, and making new friends. All you need to do is turn up with suitable shoes or boots, waterproofs if required, and a flask and a packed lunch. Unfortunately, no pets on the walk.

Email for further information.


Tuesday 10:00am

Start date: 2022-02-22 End date: 2022-11-22<

Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

The Cycling Group meets every fortnight from late February through to November at 10am. All rides are on local trails, suitable for families, mostly on the Trans Pennine Trail. Routes are safe, level and generally traffic free, with opportunities for enjoyable days out in the countryside, socialising with other members. We always schedule in stops for refreshments.

If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website:

Chair Exercise

Tuesday 10:00am

Provider: Age UK Barnsley

Location: North

Venue: Darton Darby & Joan Club

Level: Light intensity

Darton Wellbeing Group. Group that provides chair based exercises as well as a safe place for people to talk. It promotes not only physical wellbeing but also mental wellbeing.

Contact Age UK Barnsley on 01226 776820.


Tuesday 10:00am

Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Tuesday Walking. All walks meet at 9:45am for a 10am start and will be approximately 5 to 6 miles long. The walks vary in severity so please do check with the leader if you have any concerns about suitability.

Intermediate/Advanced. Please note that the Tuesday walking group is currently fully booked. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website:


Tuesday 10:00am

Provider: U3A

Location: Penistone

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Walking Group Penistone. Walks are about 4-5 miles long. Moderate low level walks in the Penistone area. The walk leader will have walked the route beforehand and as some will have stiles, slopes and inclines please check with the group co-ordinator or walk leader if these could cause a problem. Most walks meet in a public car park and if needed car sharing can be arranged. Suitable footwear and wet weather gear are part of our essential equipment.

Intermediate. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website: