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Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance

The Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance (BOPPAA) is aiming to increase the provision of physical activity programmes that will improve the strength and balance of older people across Barnsley.

Funded by Barnsley Council and led by Age UK Barnsley, the BOPPAA is an alliance of NHS, private and third sector organisations offering physical activity opportunities for over 50s in Barnsley.

Find out more about physical activity opportunities available in your part of Barnsley below.

If you need any further information, call Age UK Barnsley on 01226 776820 or email us at:

The Barnsley Older People Physical Activity Alliance is an alliance of independent activity providers each responsible for the delivery of their own activities/services.

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Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: North East

Venue: Royston Leisure Centre

Level: Light intensity/Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Make some time for you by creating a balance between the body and the mind, promoting health and wellbeing and improving your breathing patterns. A great way to relax, unwind and give yourself some self-care.

This activity is for all ages. Royston Leisure Centre - Call 01226 722991 or email

Hatha Yoga

Wednesday 7:15pm - 8:15pm

Provider: Yoga Bee

Location: South

Venue: Yoga Bee, Hawkwood Cottage, Hay Green Lane, Birdwell, Barnsley, S70 5XE

Booking essential

Mixed ability.

For further information and bookings please visit:

Aqua Aerobics

Wednesday 7:30pm - 8:15pm

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: North East

Venue: Royston Leisure Centre

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Using the water to support your body weight, Aqua Aerobics is an aerobic and toning workout to music in the pool. Great for those who love a challenging workout without any impact on the joints.

This activity is for all ages. Royston Leisure Centre - Call 01226 722991 or email


Wednesday 7:30pm - 8:45pm

Provider: Mind, Body and Spirit

Location: Central

Venue: Mind, Body and Spirit, 110 Dodworth Road, Barnsley, S70 6HL

Level: Light intensity/Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Hatha Yoga. Evening Hatha yoga. Flowing and static postures combined with Bandha, breathing practices, Hasta Mudras, finishing with blissful relaxation.

Contact Mind, Body and Spirit on 07769 996438 or at You can book through the website All classes cost £6 booking in advance, you will receive a health questionnaire to be filled in and emailed back or you can bring with you to your first class. All equipment is provided sanitised with a covid / Sport England approved solution.


Wednesday 8:00pm - 9:00pm

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: Central

Venue: Barnsley Metrodome

Level: Light intensity/Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Make some time for you by creating a balance between the body and the mind, promoting health and wellbeing and improving your breathing patterns. A great way to relax, unwind and give yourself some self-care.

This activity is for all ages. Call 01226 730060 or email



Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Thursday Walkers (first and third Thursday of each month, usually at 10.00). The walk leader will have walked the route in advance, noting any historical or environmental matters of interest. Walks are of approximately 5.5 miles in length. During summer months longer walks of up to 8 miles are arranged. Walking boots and a kagoule (or other wet-weather gear) form part of our essential equipment.

Intermediate. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website: Please note the group is currently fully booked.



Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Thursday Challenging Walks (second Thursday of each month). Walks are challenging in terms of distance, terrain and need a good level of fitness. Good footwear & clothing for all weather essential. Review personal risk assessment check list before every walk. Often an hour's travel to the meeting place.

Advanced. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website:



Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Thursday Longer Walks (fourth Thursday of each month). Depending on the time of year the walks are usually 8 to 9 miles long. Good footwear and clothing for all weathers essential. Review personal risk assessment checklist before each walk. Can involve challenging ascents and terrain. Often one hour's travel from Barnsley.

Advanced. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website: Please note the group is currently fully booked.



Provider: U3A

Venue: Variable

Level: Other

Booking essential

Bus Pass Walkers (first and third Thursday of the month). This group will operate on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month and does moderate walks of around 4/5 miles along well defined footpaths, disused railways and canals etc over level countryside with the occasional slope and easy stile. Most of the walks are point to point using public transport. Usually meet at the Barnsley Interchange and use public transport to the start of the walk. Then do the walk and finish where a different bus route can be used to return to Barnsley. Walkers will need to have suitable footwear and rainwear.

Intermediate. If you wish to speak to Barnsley U3A’s New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please telephone 07512206285. If there is no reply do leave a message and you will be contacted. Website: £3 per session.


Thursday 9:15am

Provider: Sporting Penistone

Location: Penistone

Venue: Penistone Leisure Centre

Level: Light intensity/Moderate intensity

Booking essential

We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check. Benefits: A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.

£5 per session. Book direct with Tracy on 07398 238691 or visit our website at: You will be requested to complete a Health questionnaire at your first class.

Aqua Aerobics

Thursday 9:15am - 10:00am

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: Central

Venue: Barnsley Metrodome

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Using the water to support your body weight, Aqua Aerobics is an aerobic and toning workout to music in the pool. Great for those who love a challenging workout without any impact on the joints.

This activity is for all ages. Call 01226 730060 or email

Chair Exercise

Thursday 9:30am - 10:30am

Start date: 2023-11-02

Provider: Mid Yorkshire Community Foundation

Location: North

Venue: Kexborough Social Club, Churchfield Lane, Kexborough, S75 5DU

Booking essential

Fortnightly. Seated exercise sessions for over 50s. Lots of music, games and social fun.

Contact Age UK Barnsley on 01226 776820 to book a place.


Thursday 9:30am - 10:30am

Provider: Barnsley Premier Leisure

Location: Dearne

Venue: Dearneside Leisure Centre

Level: Moderate intensity

Booking essential

Fitness Pilates. A group exercise programme designed to enhance the posture, strength, balance and stability of a healthy adult.

This activity is for all ages. Dearneside Leisure Centre – Call 01709 880040 or email

Ten Pin Bowling

Thursday 10:00am

Provider: U3A

Location: North East

Venue: Barnsley Bowl, Carlton Road, Barnsley, S71 2AZ

Booking essential

To speak to Barnsley U3A's New Members Secretary about joining the U3A, please call 07512 206285. If there is no reply leave a message and you will be contacted.

Chair Exercise

Thursday 10:00am - 11:00am

Start date: 2025-01-16

Provider: Mid Yorkshire Community Foundation

Location: South

Venue: Darfield Cricket Club, The Club House, School Street, Darfield.

Booking essential

Seated exercise sessions. Lots of music, games and social fun.

Free for the first six weeks, then £3 per week thereafter. To book, please call Mid Yorkshire Community Foundation on 07549 680740.